In a classroom situation, there are three types of tests that are common.These include the true/false, the multiple choices and the short answer. It is a good study strategy to have a general idea of how to take any one of these tests.
True/false tests are easy in the sense that every word in the statement must be true. Any word that is not true makes the statement false. Pay attention to the wording. Qualifiers, such as frequently, generally, and negatives, such as cannot, may confuse you. Notice if the statement must be absolutely true by words such as none, always, every, only.
Read long sentences more than once. Multiple choice tests need to be considered carefully. Read over the test and answer the easiest questions first. Go through the second time for more difficult questions. Think critically in multiple choice. Watch for all of the above and none of the above answers. Always make a choice unless you are penalized for guessing. If questions in the last part of the test make you see the need to go back to the first part, then change your answer. Remember to look for the best answer.
Short answer tests make it necessary for you to review your notes and textbook. It helps to make summaries of the material when studying. If you make a guess, use common sense. Ask your professor for direction, if appropriate. Be sure to get all your information in the short answer. Watch your grammar and punctuation. If the directions state complete sentences, write complete sentences.
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Dear God
9 years ago
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